PIRT Score Calculator
About the PIRT Score Calculator
The tool uses a patient's demographic and clinical history related to their lymphoma to estimate their survival over a defined time interval. Although a patient’s survival may be estimated with high accuracy, these predictions do not allow for personalized forecasting and hence should be interpreted with caution under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional.
Risk Factors Survey
Please answer the following questions based on results at diagnosis or closest to diagnosis.
The PIRT Score Calculator has not undergone prospective validation. Predictive modeling has been conducted using data from selected sites in Australia, India, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Brazil and the USA. Therefore, caution should be exercised when interpreting predictions for populations outside these regions.
Predictions generated by the PIRT Score Calculator are not a substitute for the evaluation and judgment of a licensed clinician or qualified healthcare provider. It is simply a tool to aid the clinician in prognosticating outcomes.
While the PIRT Score Calculator may provide insight into a patient’s risk group, it has not been validated for guiding any clinical decisions, or specific treatment adjustments, and hence should not be used for these purposes.
The PIRT Score Calculator is intended for research purposes only and has not been reviewed or approved by the NCCN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network) and United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other regulatory agency.
Learn more about our study at clinicaltrials.gov
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